October Walk and Roll Club

On some days do you feel sluggish? That your brain is not working? Do you feel like a fog takes over and you need a survival plan to get moving? Then YOU need to leave the car at home and JOIN our October Zombie Walk and Roll to School.

Join us on
Friday, October 19th
for our

3 Ways Zombies and Netcong Students are alike:

1. They love BRAINS so they protect their head by wearing a helmet when they bike, skateboard, scooter, etc.

2. They never cross the street while using a phone. Zombies and Netcong students know that phones make you lose focus and are distracting and so they put them away (and tell their parents to do the same while driving).

3. They WALK everywhere because knowing how to safely walk places is important for survival. Have you ever seen zombie parents drive? Those parents are on their phones instead of paying attention to the road which reduces brain function by as much as a third.

Netcong Elementary students who walk or bike to school will receive a backpack charm. Charms will be handed out in front of the school by the flag pole before the 8:15 am bell. 

Students can walk from home or join our walking bus which leaves from the Netcong Train Station at 7:55 am. The walking bus is a great way to meet other parents and have students walk or bike together. It's also not just for walking. Ride your bike, wear a helmet, bring a lock and pick up a celebratory backpack charm when you get to school.

Once you get the hang of walking or bicycling, try it every day.

For the list of the Walk and Roll events throughout the year, click here 

Don't be a zombie driver.