April Earth Day Walk and Roll Club

Join us
Friday, April 20
for the 
Earth Day Walk and Roll Club
Plus Enter To Win a 20" Huffy Rock It Bike!

Make every day Earth Day by walking and biking 
instead of driving to school.

Every step counts towards reducing negative impacts on our school's air quality.  When we drive we burn fossil fuels that releases gases and chemicals into the air causing air pollution. 

Air pollution from idling cars make asthma symptoms worse and trigger attacks. Studies show the air quality inside schools is worse at arrival and dismissal times. 

Take steps to protect 
Netcong student's health 
by walking and bicycling today!

Walk or bike on your own or meet us at the 
Netcong Train Station at 7:55 am to join our walking bus.

Students who walk or bike to school receive a backpack charm. 
Charms will be handed out in front of the school by the flag pole.

We're getting ready for our Bike Rodeo on Friday May 4th. 
Enter to win a 20" Huffy Rock It Bike
$2 tickets will be sold in front of the school during Walk and Roll.

March Shamrock Shuffle Walk and Roll

Sorry! Due to difficult weather conditions the 
Shamrock Shuffle
Walk and Roll to School 
is cancelled.

See you on Friday April 20th!

Be green and save green by walking or bicycling 
to school instead of driving.

There may still be snow on the ground, 
but Spring is here and the 
Netcong Walk and Roll Club 
is back in action!

It may still be a bit chilly, but don't let that slow you down. Walk or bike on your own or meet us at the Netcong Train Station at 7:55 am to join our walking bus. Students who walk or bike to school receive a backpack charm. Charms will be handed out in front of the school by the flag pole.

What is the Walk and Roll Club?

On Walk and Roll Fridays, students and parents are encouraged to leave the car at home and take walk or ride a bike to school . . .
  • for health
  • for the environment
  • for safer streets 
  • for arriving awake and ready to learn
Attention parents and students, our crossing guards are there to help you. All students must cross the street at the crosswalk where there is a crossing guard on duty. Crossing between parked cars is dangerous, don't do it.

Bike racks are located at the back of the school by the Board of Education building. Wear a helmet, bring a lock and come around to the front of the school to pick up a celebratory backpack charm.

Visit Walk and Roll Events tab for upcoming monthly events.